
A vibrant and caring community

Our parents, alumnae, staff (past and present) and local friends play a vital role in creating the warm, vibrant community that surrounds South Hampstead.

Opening doors

Alumnae & Honorary Alumnae

Torchbearers for the past, present and future


The alumnae programme is a wonderful way to connect professionally and personally with like-minded women from South Hampstead and across the GDST.


  • Network and share your knowledge and experience with fellow alumnae and our current pupils. Join our LinkedIn group for details or sign up to the Rungway mentoring app.
  • Socialise with friends and contemporaries in our Mehr Licht Community through talks, clubs and social events, such as the Annual Reunion Tea.
  • Reminisce as you view old school photographs, magazines and explore South Hampstead’s history through our digital archive.
  • Get up to date with our Inspirational Alumnae and let us know if you or your contemporaries should join them.
  • Stay in touch by updating your details via the Alumnae Club.
Opening minds


Enjoying and supporting life at South Hampstead


Our parents are a welcoming and supportive community, providing invaluable careers advice, sharing expertise with our pupils, and supporting the vision for the school.

The parent-led Junior School PTA and Senior School Friends of South Hampstead (‘FOSH’) run a variety of social events and fundraising initiatives that provide valuable contributions to the school. Details can be found on Firefly or through the Mehr Licht Community.

Contact Friends of South Hampstead at 
Contact the PTA via


Opening hearts

The Mehr Licht Community


Our Mehr Licht Community brings together the many strands of our annual programme of community-wide activities: events, lectures, concerts, workshops, careers information and courses.

Whether joining us for a reunion, or going for a run on Hampstead Heath, we look forward to seeing you there.

Find out more.



Broadening Horizons

New and views to keep you informed


Stay in touch with everything going on at the school and across the GDST through our social media, publications and newsletters:


  • Look out for our regular school, alumnae and philanthropy e-newsletters.
  • The annual printed magazine Resplendens is mailed to alumnae every September.
  • Our Philanthropy Review & Impact Report is published each year.
  • Follow South Hampstead on LinkedIn and via Twitter/X.
  • The GDST has a range of termly and annual publications – find out more via their website.


To find out how you can support our Towards 150 vision for South Hampstead, visit our Support Us pages.